Presentation of Amistad Award

World Cataract Foundation met Laura Carbajal in October of 2012 when she participated in a mission to Huatulco, Mexico. Laura became a valued member of WCF and went on to participate in six more trips to Huatulco, six to Ometepec, three to Honduras and one to Peru. She served as translator, circulator in operating room and handled many of the logistic details in planning the trips to Mexico.
Laura traveled to Memphis to make a presentation to the Board of Directors on November 12th. She reminded board members of the great need for cataract surgery in Mexico and encouraged them to please continue sending teams.
The World Cataract Foundation Board of Directors surprised Laura by presenting her with the Amistad Award. The award is named after t
he Hospital de la Amistad in Ometepec, Mexico and means Hospital of Friendship.
In 2010, Dr. Jerre Freeman, WCF founder, asked a member of the hospital staff to replace the original handle on the screen door that opens from the hospital onto a back porch. WCF commissioned Lugar Bronze Foundry in Memphis to make bronze copies of the original handle. The plaque that Laura received has an exact replica of the original handle affixed to it. Only people who have been through the screen door and touched the original handle are eligible to receive this award. During the course of one trip, a team member might touch this handle over 60 times, so it is very meaningful and brings to mind a flood of special memories.
Photo: Dr. Jerre Freeman and Laura after the presentation of her award.